Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Curly - Advanced Precision, Week 2

Today was the start of week 2 for our Advanced Precision class. It was a great class and I really needed it after a challenging Rally trial. I went in with the attitude that we'd do great and have fun! I think we accomplished our goal.

Curly seemed in sync with me tonight and I learned a lot about how I communicate with him. We did healing and sharp turns around cones to warm up. It was really important to ensure we had a loose leash with a "U" shape so the dogs did not feel restricted. Once we all fixed our leash and grip the dogs walked much better in a heal with us. Good job!

Next, we worked on our "sit" stays and "down" stays. This can be hard for us because of distractions. I found I was talking too much (shocker, right) and really needed to watch Curly rather than talk his ear off. When I talked less he listened more! In week 3 we will have to do a down stay away from our dogs for a period of time so you know what we'll be practicing hard on this week!!

Tonight we also worked on walking around cones. Imagine us standing in between 2 cones and then we did figure 8's around them in a heal. In week 3 we will be circling other human students, hence the reason our dogs will need to "down" stay while I act as a cone. Eeeek! We'll see how that goes. Ha!

Finally, to lighten the mood since we were being so serious tonight we went around the room showing what dog tricks we know. The first dog did "peek-a-boo" which was very cute, Curly did "touch", Wrigley did a BIG "shake", another dog did a bunch of cool stuff like backing up to beeping noise and finally our buddy Harley played dead after a "bang, bang". Ha ha ha! This was a great way to close out the class.

The start of week 2 if off to a good start with lots of practice in our future!!

Saturday, April 24, 2010

Curly goes to a Trial - Cumming, GA

Today Curly and I were entered into a Rally Trial in Cumming. I had been putting pressure on myself because this could potentially give us our 3rd leg and we'd be on to advance level which freaked me out big time (off leash eeek).

We went despite the storms and it was delayed so we had to wait and got rained on. Curly seemed good and focused outside the ring, but inside the ring was a whole different story. I felt good about the course except the downs. We simply need to proof at all kinds of places doing Rally exercises.

He was not super focused on me once in the ring and did fairly well, but we did not qualify for a score due to our mistakes. Oh well, better try next time.

I know we can do it, but need to really proof to ensure the next try will be better.

It was great to see our friend Diana and 2 of her rattie kids, Stella (who did great) and Sammy.

Tuesday, April 20, 2010

Curly - Advanced Precision, Week 1

Curly and I started a new class after already taking Obedience, Rally and Rally Advance classes in 2009. This new class is to help us really hone in on our skills such as Rally moves and off leash practice. I love working with my man Curly because he is so eager to work.

Every time we start a new class I know my brain will hurt trying to remember what we need to practice and what is expected of us. Tonight was no different.

Tonight we practiced healing. We did a stepping process to perfect our dogs working with us and stopping when we stop. Then we practiced walking in a heal with turns to the left and right as well as the "left about" (my favorite move). This is the handler turning to their left and the dog going to the right. I have video of this on you tube. We worked on straight fronts, which we REALLY need to work on. Curly not only sits sideways or slightly sideways, but he offers other behaviors if I wait too long to tell him what to do after. He wants to go, go, go, but that is not how the game is played. Last, we worked on "sit", "down", "sit" also known as puppy push ups in a heal position. Curly is also crooked here so we'll be practicing hard.

It's great to be working on perfecting what we know and learning some new things too.