Friday, December 19, 2008

Coke Rewards and New Rattitude

Did you know sending your Coke rewards to New Rattitude can help save Rat Terriers lives? Its true!

All you need to do is continue to enjoy your Coke Products (Coke, Diet Coke, Fresca, Dasini Water) and email me the point codes. You will find these codes on the top of bottle caps or inside the carton boxes.

Our goal is 1,350 point by the end of January 2009 and are currently at 133 (12/19/08). We will "purchase" fundraising raffle prizes with these points which may include gift cards to some of your favorite stores or destinations.

If you have questions or would like to email your points you can contact me at smiles4lifepkn@ (remove space). Thanks!

To see what point levels different Coke products offer check out:
WE WON THE SHELTER CHALLENGE!!!! Go New Rattitude supporters and volunteers! With all of the supporters and volunteers voting daily and on multiple computers, asking their friends and family to do the same is how we won. We can't wait to see the $1,000 check in the bank account to help more Rat Terriers and Rat Terrier mixes live safe, happy and healthy lives with their furever families.

Thank you for all of your support and clicking daily!

Monday, December 8, 2008

The Shelter Challenge is coming to a close with 6 days left to vote. So be sure to vote daily for New Rattitude, Inc. / GA. We are currently in 1st place in the state of Georgia and 24th overall. If we continue at this pace we will see a $1000 check in the mail real soon.

Thank you to everyone who has voted for us each day to make this possible. The New Rattitude volunteers and the Rat Terriers saved truely thank you for your consistant support!

I look forward to posting the day we get the big fat check!

Saturday, December 6, 2008

Jawa, Romba, Teebo, Wampa, Mara Jade and Oola are learning to walk and are getting better by the day. As you can see from this video they are enjoying being adventurous. Within a few days they will all be wagging their tails, too. It is very interesting and amazing to see these precious babies grow and change before our eyes. Their personalities are developing and some are more active than others and some are more vocal than others.

At 3 weeks of age they will try puppy gruel and should all be walking, seeing, hearing and waggin those tails. Before long it will be time for them to get their first shots and go home. Time is flying by.

Their mommy, Sansha, is increasing her food intake due to her puppies growing so fast. They are all 1 pound or more at 2 weeks of age. She is spending more and more time away from them and still taking wonderful care of them.