Saturday, December 6, 2008

Jawa, Romba, Teebo, Wampa, Mara Jade and Oola are learning to walk and are getting better by the day. As you can see from this video they are enjoying being adventurous. Within a few days they will all be wagging their tails, too. It is very interesting and amazing to see these precious babies grow and change before our eyes. Their personalities are developing and some are more active than others and some are more vocal than others.

At 3 weeks of age they will try puppy gruel and should all be walking, seeing, hearing and waggin those tails. Before long it will be time for them to get their first shots and go home. Time is flying by.

Their mommy, Sansha, is increasing her food intake due to her puppies growing so fast. They are all 1 pound or more at 2 weeks of age. She is spending more and more time away from them and still taking wonderful care of them.

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