Friday, October 17, 2008

Today I am working on being a blogger. This is a whole new world to me, but I have seen others and thought I'd give it a try.

I thought this would be a great place to post what's going on with me and my rescue efforts with Rat Terriers and for all my friends and family to keep up with me.

I absolutley love to talk about dogs and Rat Terriers are my favorite!!! I have 5 personal ratties and normally foster 1 or 2 ratties at a time. I enjoy helping others find the right rattie for their families and getting anyone interested in rescue to get started and support their efforts.

Feel free to subscribe to my blog and give me tips you experienced bloggers!

1 comment:

Hikenutty said...

YAY Paula! Welcome to the blogosphere! I'll post a link to your blog in my dog blog link section.

Hey, our blogs match too - polka dots - you must have very good taste. :)

If you have any questions let me know.
