Tuesday, July 17, 2012

They just don't understand

As I sit in my home office trying to focus on my work, Molly (one of my Rat Terriers), is barking.  I find it rather annoying.  Doesn't she know I have a lot of work to do?  Doesn't she know when she's downstairs she is to be quiet and mind her own business?  Doesn't she know....oh wait...she doesn't have a clue!

When my dogs are doing something I don't like or prefer they wouldn't do in that moment I mentally cringe.  They are all pretty well trained, behave most of the time and are really loving dogs.  The problem is they aren't perfect.  They also aren't little humans.  So they don't understand why I am locked away upstairs while they are downstairs on "idle".

The fact is they are bored.  They want attention or at least something to occupy their brilliant minds.  If I reacted and yelled "QUIET!" or "THAT'S ENOUGH" it might work.  It actually has.  The question remains, have I really quieted her/them?  No, because I've not met their needs.  They haven't been walked today, barely interacted with and zero mental stimulation.  So who's really at fault?

If my dogs are doing something I don't desire it's up to ME to show them what I'd prefer.  How else would they know?  If I just scolded or punished them, what would they think of me?  I could certainly ignore them. That would work if I'd met their needs, but in this case I haven't.

When we are too busy, too tired or just flat out lazy we still need to give our dogs what they need.  If we cannot muster a walk, then play an indoor game or interactive toy such as a stuffed KONG?

So instead of being irritated with Molly's barking tomorrow I'll plan ahead and have some stuffed KONGs in the freezer.  From her perspective I'll be brilliant!